
4 May 2013

Farewell Geraldine

Passed away: 27 February 2014

"I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion--and where it isn't, that's where my work lies."

Celebration of Geraldine's life (March 9)

Letter  (25 November 2013)

Geraldine, you have opened my eyes to indescribable wonder and beauty. Through the consciousness and wisdom that flows through you, I've discovered the power of stillness and prayer and reflection and my experiences of what's within have been so precious and healing that every other experience I've ever had pales in significance. I'll never be the same.  Thank you this priceless gift.  Words aren't enough.

Letter (18 June 2013)

Dear Geraldine  

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your light and your wisdom and your love on Saturday.  Your teachings over the past year have transformed my life already so much.  Saturday for me was a culmination, a turning point, an extraordinary beak through and I'll never be the same again.

First was the revelation that guilt is so low on the ladder - that it veritable sucks up and blocks consciousness.  Second was the revelation of the great healing power of remorse.  Third was the realisation that my life is unfolding according to a divine order, and that I can trust that and surrender to that completely and welcome whatever comes - and that I'll be ok no matter what.  Fourth was your comment, one I've head from you many times before, but for some reason it resonated like a lightning bolt this time: "Pray like mad."  

I haven't prayed since I was a very young child, when I did deeply and regularly, but something happened that scared me and I stopped altogether.  Well, I've started to pray again - pray all the time - and it's opened the gates and I feel like I've come home.  My meditation has given me many glimpses of my divine essence over the past year, and I've wanted to believe so much in the light of my being - that it is there and that's it real, that it's not just wishful thinking.  Experiences I've had over the past few days, through my prayer and meditation, have awakened me to an unshakable certainty.  It's led to a great cleansing and outpouring of pain that has needed to be let free for such a long, long time.  It's led to a deep sense of peace and a deep joy. 

My chat with D the other night was more difficult that I'd even imagined, she was angry and hurt. If I hadn't been with you on Saturday, I would be in a very dark place.  Instead, I've been able to keep my  consciousness flowing, which has helped me to respond with compassion and love - both for her and myself.  And it's been the catalyst to all I describe above.

So, thank you, Geraldine, so, so much.  You are such a light. Consciousness works through you in such profound ways and you've blessed all our lives so, so deeply.

With great love,

